Rev. Teresa Burton
How many times have you wrestled with a problem and been unable to see a way out? Maybe you tried various solutions, none of which came together. Maybe you ranted about the unfairness of a situation or worried whether what you were going through would ever get better. At those times, after every option was exhausted, the only thing left to do was to let go and let God. There’s such comfort in turning over the concerns of our hearts into the care and keeping of God. It makes our struggles more bearable when we trust there is a power outside ourselves who is recognizing our best efforts and forgiving us for our worst, making sure we have what we deserve and helping us get it.
But as we grow spiritually, a new awareness dawns within us. We come to understand God as the one presence and one power in the universe. We know ourselves as individuations of the Divine, uniquely expressing God’s presence and power as only we can. God is principle, the presence that surrounds
us but also the power that is within us. With this understanding, the idea of letting go and letting God takes on a new and deeper dimension.
We come to understand God as the one presence
and one power in the universe
Even as we are fully human, we are also fully divine. We can respond to our worldly circumstances from our humanness or from our divinity. Letting go and letting God really means yielding our human efforts—our will and preferences, our struggle and effort—to the Divine within. When we do this, we avail ourselves of a new world of possibilities and potentials because we have aligned our thinking with divine mind and our feelings with divine love.
And what wonderful outcomes can spring from understanding this distinction. Surrendering our human
efforts to the care and keeping of the Divine within relieves anger, worry, and anxiety. Once we’re relaxed, we can better feel the presence of the Divine and the wisdom of inner guidance and intuition. From there, new opportunities present themselves, synchronicities abound, and that which seemed so difficult or even impossible resolves smoothly.
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